DIY Wood Slice Picture Ornaments | DIY Christmas | How to

Happy Friday before Christmas 2019 (AKA – December 20th!) This week I taught a crafting workshop at a local biz Christmas party. Many of you over on Instagram were asking for a tutorial for the project we worked on so here it is! We made DIY Wood Slice Picture Ornaments, everyone’s looked great and we had fun!

Now let’s get started.


Needed Supplies
4×6 Picture (Same Day Printing at Walgreens is what I used)
Exacto Knife
1inch Foam Brush
Sharpie Pen
Mod Podge (Satin or Gloss finish works best)
Wood Slice Ornament (Here’s a link to the ones I bought on Amazon. Great deal!)
Twine (Mine came with my wood slice ornaments.)


Step 1: Place ornament strategically on top of the subject(s) in your picture. Pay close attention to what isn’t covered by the slice. If you can still see it, it won’t be seen on the ornament. (Sounds like a no brainer but this step sometimes trips people up. Just pay close attention to where you place the ornament.)


Step 2: With your sharpie pen, trace around the wood slice directly on your photo. If you are worried about the placement of the ornament, make a few small dots around the ornament first. Then check the placement and THEN trace around the entire thing.


Step 3: Cut just INSIDE of the circle you drew.


Step 4: Trim and check, trim and check! Keep trimming down the edges of your photo until there is a little bit of the wood slice showing around the entire photo. (This is important. You will need the space to help your picture adhere to the ornament.)


Step 5: Using a foam brush, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge to the center of the wood slice. Then dab a little bit of Mod Podge in the center of your photo. Then place and press your photo on the ornament.

*Note: Be mindful of where you place your photo and where the hole on the ornament is. For example: Try to place faces away from the hole. You don’t want to poke a hole through someone’s forehead! 


Step 6: You can do this step multiple ways.

Option 1: Take your exacto knife and poke an x shape into the hole of the ornament through the picture. Then gently fold the edges of the X you cut down into the hole.

Option 2: Take your exacto knife and cut a notch out of the top of the photo where the hole of the ornament is.


Step 7: It’s time to seal these babies! Take your foam brush and apply a thin layer of Mod Podge HORIZONTALLY across the top of your ornament. Make sure to brush from edge to edge of the ornament without running off onto the sides of the wood slice.


Step 8: Let it dry completely!


Step 9: Apply a thin, second coat of Mod Podge VERTICALLY from edge to edge. Let it dry completely before handling.


Step 10: Take the twine and string it through the ornament.

PRO TIP: Wrap some scotch tape around the end of the twine to help you string it through. Once strung, remove the tape and tie a knot towards the top.


Step 11: Enjoy! Make an entire set! Give it as a gift! Use it as a gift tag! The options are endless.

I hope you enjoyed this project! If you follow my tutorial and try it out – let me know! Share it with me here or on Instagram using #ChrisiNikoleDIY!

Happy Crafting! Best + Blessings,


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